Location Choices
There are a number of choices we have when it comes to birthing:
1. Hospital Birth: For me, a hospital birth would be my worst
nightmare. I can't imagine anything worse at such a special time.
I think hospital births should be in horror movies. There are too
many interventions, most of them unnecessary. There are too
many people wanting to take control of *your* body, wanting to
intervene at any opportunity, wanting to hook you up to monitors,
give you drugs, cut you up or "help" (suck) your baby out. Your
baby is generally born under bright lights and into the hands of a
DOCTOR, not it's mother or father. Then, once your baby is born,
the doctors are pouncing all over it like it's a labrat... cutting the
cord immediately, poking and prodding, injecting, weighing,
testing etc. What could be more traumatic entry into the world?!
2. Birthing Center: While these have a generally nicer
environment, bigger rooms and a more "homely" feel, they still
feel like a hospital. You still have people wanting to check your
progress, catch your baby and perform the other "routines" that a
hospital does. You are probably more likely to have a natural birth
but it just doesn't feel like home.
3. Midwife attended homebirth: You have the comfort of your own
home, your facilities, the comfort and you can arrange everything
how you want it. You don't have to travel to a facility and you are
generally relaxed. However, you *still* have someone monitoring,
watching and wanting to check you periodically. Therefore, you're
not *completely* relaxed. Your midwife also wants to interfere with
the childbirth process including checking you and your baby when
they are born and in most cases, want to catch the baby
4. Unassisted Homebirth: For those of you who have enjoyed this
experience, you'll know what I'm talking about when I say it is the
most empowering, beautiful, relaxing, natural occurrence. It is
without interference and how, I believe, a birth was intended to be.
The child is so relaxed when born into your or your husband's
arms so gently. You are not interrupted during labour for
examinations, your baby is not taken away to be weighed etc. It
is the most natural feeling in the whole world.
I recommend everyone look into unassited homebirth as a safe
and amazing alternative to the "norm". Look on the net, look into
history, think about it.