School Inhibits Success
First of all, let's define success. I believe success is freedom and
the time to enjoy it. How does one achieve complete freedom?
Well, it means having the money to not be financially constrained.
One can not be free without money and, while money is not
success, freedom is. Money is the tool we use to achieve
freedom. Having money in itself is not freedom. There's no point in
earning a million dollars a year working a job. Being employed is
not freedom. Freedom is having money in the bank and minimal
commitments allowing you the time to do what you wish.
Earning 30K in a job is not success, no matter how many
"employee of the month" awards you "achieve". Employee awards
are just an invention of the working class to give them a false
sense of real achievement/success.
So, now that we have defined success, how do we achieve it? We
certainly don't achieve it by going to school for 14+ years.
Employment does not grant success. School is set up to
encourage employment and, therefore, this is not the ideal
environment to prepare a person for future success. How is school
encouraging employment? From analysing the system, I have
arrived at the following:
1. School keeps roughly the same hours as work (9am - late
2. School allows a "morning tea" break, "lunch" break and
"afternoon tea" break, same as the office;
3. At school, you are told what to do each day by someone else,
just like work;
4. At school, you are forced to fake friendships to get along
normally just like work;
5. You are disciplined by someone elses rules if, at their
discretion, you have not met their expectations just like work;
6. You have very little say in anything just like work;
7. You are "graded" by someone elses rules just like work;
8. If you are unable to attend, you have to bring a note just like
9. If someone "in authority" takes a disliking to you, they can
make your time unpleasant just like work;
I could go on and on for pages but in summary, school is a tool of
the elite to insure a continuous supply of working class. Not that
you need any proof of this but have you heard of any school
anywhere in the world not pulling their students aside when
they're 13 or 14 and saying "what do you want to be when you
grow up? A fireman? A Policeman?" etc. I have never heard of a
school encouraging independent business, consultancy,
entrepreneurship... it's always working class ideals and goals.
What else could a working class teacher in a working class
system pass on?
When a child is not being taught to be working class, imagine
what they could be doing. What's to stop a teenager starting their
own business at only 14 years of age and achieving success (as
defined above) before they're even legally able to drive?! These are
just some of the options that non-schooled children have open for
them... schooled children do not. I certainly plan on encouraging
my child to have made her own fortune much before her 18th
The BBC reported that Ben Cohen (17 year old entrepreneur) said
"I just don't think the teaching profession in general - and there's
plenty of exceptions - really understands what business is about
and what the business environment is like". If they don't
understand it, they can not and do not encourage it.
Most entrepreneurs of today (now billionnaires) either didn't go to
school at all or decided that school had nothing more to offer
them and was inhibiting their success so decided to move ahead
with their lives rather than wasting time in school.. look where that
got them! Sir Richard Branson is a prime example of this.
According to some, moving on with one's life because they feel
they can achieve more without school, is "dropping out". This is
certainly far from the truth. My husband left school in year 11 and
guess what? He never took welfare and never worked a job... what
did he do? He ran his own company making more than 5 times
the average income in his first year. Now, we are running two
successful companies. Has school helped us? NO! In fact, most
entrepreneurs have to rid their mind of the rubbish their teachers
Schooling teaches students to be employees, education
otherwise allows for the development of success from an early