Why You Shouldn't Read Pregnancy/Birth Magazines!
Part of pregnancy is relaxing as stress can harm your unborn
baby. To avoid stress, I would advise you avoid off-the-shelf
magazine aimed at pregnancy and birth. If you want to avoid
being misinformed and dispowered, avoid magazines.
In just one magazine, I have found points that really need to be
discussed as this information could potentially dangerous to the
wellbeing of mother and baby both, physically and emotionally.
· One of the points I noticed was that the magazine promoted
toys which is fine but it promoted toxic toys which are
detrimental to your child's health.
· SIDS is a worry for most parents. This magazine outlined some
of the possible factors that increase the chances of SIDS such as
coffee, smoking, bottlefeeding and sleeping alone. There was no
comment on the effect of vaccinations on SIDS even when
studies have shown a correlation between the two.
· They promote state-run antenatal classes and not private
which leads me to believe that they have some sort of an
incentive to promote the public system over private;
· UK mothers have, on average, 14 antenatal checks which is
higher than most other European mothers. Swiss mothers have
only 3 visits. You are condemned as a 'bad' mother risking the life
of your baby if you fail to have the recommended number of
checks in the UK. This magazine fails to inform you that it is
YOUR choice and not the government of the day's;
· I am personally not a huge fan of the word "deliver" and it's
An article about hospital checks states that "the hospital delivers
4,000 babies a year". I prefer to use the word "birthed" and I
certainly wouldn't say that anyone but the mother birthed or
delivered the baby. To whom was the baby born? The hospital?
The midwife? The doctor? Clearly not, it was born to the mother;
· This statement is really quite offensive: "Every mum-to-be
wants a healthy, normal child. So during your pregnancy, you will
be given a series of tests to make sure you and your baby are
doing well". If you read between the lines, this is saying that you
will have the tests or be cast as a bad parent who does not care
about the health of her child-to-be;
· This whole article is quite appalling. The tone is very demeaning
and authoritative. For example, "Your GP will arrange a series of
antenatal checks for you". Note the use of the word "will". The
use of the word "will" is evident in almost every paragraph;
· Be careful when reading statistics. They have quoted that 1 in
7 British babies are born by caesarean. They have not been
specific to where they gained the statistics, whether this is a
recent study, who conducted the study, whether these were
voluntary or involuntary, necessary or unnecessary. It is difficult
to know whether to believe statistical evidence as there will
always be someone, somewhere with a different conclusion;
· There is a section in the magazine about "the 9 scariest birth
emergencies". This, to me, sounds like nothing but a scare tactic
and it certainly does a fine job. I can imagine people who were
considering a homebirth, reading this article and going straight to
their local hospital for some 'healthy' checks;
· In general, the magazine encourages formula when people write
in asking for breastfeeding advice and with the plethora of full
page formula advertisements;
· A direct contradiction of advice is where a breastfeeding
counsellor recommends a formula but recommends against cow's
milk until the child is, at least, 1 year old. Many of the formula's
have cow's milk as the major ingredient. If it is damaging enough
in it's fresh form, why are they recommending it in it's powdered
form?!2 Q
· It was stated that "since flouride was added to toothpaste in
the 1970's, tooth decay in children has falled by 75%". Could this
be due to better dental hygene, better food, longer brushing,
better toothbrush's…. well apparently, it's due to added flouride.
This was a subtle advertisement for Macleans 'milk teeth'
toothpaste. Flouride is found naturally in spring water in small
doses. The reason nature only provided us with a little flouride is
because it is a deadly poison not to be taken in toothpaste and
not to be added to our water system. Flouride is a damaging
poison that should not be given to your child. The best
preventative against tooth decay is regular brushing, dental floss
and using a dental hygenest. At least these methods wont cause
you long and short term health problems.
· The magazine is very 'state-compliant' in that it completely
supports and promotes all of the state's services including GP
checks, Paediatric checks, hearing checks, vaccinations, health
visitors, community midwives and anything else the state
recommends. Again, using the term "will" when stating what
checks your baby will have. They attempt to use 'scare' tactics
to make you feel the need to take your baby to a 'professional'.
Most of the checks you can conduct yourself without the need
for a professional. I believe a lot of these checks to be
unnecessary and recommended more to see whether you have
harmed your baby or the like.
I think the message here is to keep away from this kind of
literature as it will scare you, depress you and dispower you.
Read books that empower you, make you feel in control, make
you feel relaxed and content.